Saturday, December 6, 2008

Formula1 Racing - Goodbye Honda

So Honda is quitting Formula1 racing.

This really sucks. Not that I love Honda or anything, but does this mean other car makers are in the same situation? Probably.

Honda makes the engines in the Indycar racing league also. I wonder if this means they are next on the chopping block.

F1 is saying they may start the season with only 18 cars.

$300 million bucks to compete - wow. I guess auto racing just has huge costs. Makes sense when you think about all the cars, parts, skilled techs & mechanics, all the tools you need, etc. Then travel expenses on top of that to visit racetracks around the world. And to add insult to injury, you finish second-last place out of what, 10 teams? Constructors they call them.

That's too bad.

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