Monday, August 31, 2009

Wooden Carvings

On a recent family visit I took some pictures of some neat wooden carvings my Uncle has. Here's a birdhouse hanging in a tree. The "front door" is the heart. I'll bet those are some spoiled-ass birds. Look at the wood trim on their house!!
Here's a wood carving of a very worried man, made from a bamboo root. His hair looks like the root fibers. Bamboo is a very renewable resource from what I've heard.

Here's a bird. This one you don't have to feed.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tomato Time

Tomato Time!!!

I finally got some good tomatoes out of the garden. Woo Hoo!!!

These are some of the smallest beefsteak tomatoes I've grown. However, they taste just as great as any I've ever grown, so I'm happy.

Home-grown tomatoes usually taste better than store-bought, and this is no exception.

Sweet and tomato-y tasting. Tender as well, not those tough textures from lesser tomatoes.
I was wondering if I'd get any tomatoes at all this year, with all the rain we've had, and not a lot of sunny days. So far, so good. Looks like there are more in the garden just waiting to ripen.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

10 Words That Say Who You Are

OK, last post was a wordless day. Today, I'd like you to pick out 10 words that tell the world a little bit about you. I've seen some blogs lately with 10 words, pick your fave words that describe you, blah , blah , blah.

And there are 2 words you are not allowed to use: SEX and SLEEP. Everyone loves those things, so do not use them in deciding what your favorite 10 words are.

So, here are my 10 favorite words:

1) - Coffee
2) - Food
3) - Internet
4) - Computers/electronics - OK so this is 2 words, but they are close
5) - CARS!!!! And trucks and airplanes if you prefer
6) - FRIENDS! - Wow, I should have this one higher up, like 3rd. Oh well.
7) - Sports
8) - Music
9) - Spirits - like beer wine & liquor
10) - Family - OK so this should probably be higher also.

And, if I had an 11th word: PETS!
Blogs can sometimes make you think about things that you would otherwise overlook.

Oh, and follow your dreams!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wordless Wednesdays And/Or Thursdays

I've seen some blogs out there on the 'net that dedicate a post every now & then to Wordless days of the week, like wednesday or thursday. It's a post where they just put up some pictures or videos. No words, just pictures. Sounds like a plan.

To start my tradition of wordless days, let's start NOW. Here is this week's Wordless Thursday. Woo-hoo.

I won't say anything more, I'll just let the pix speak.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The First Peppers Of The Season

Well, 2 days ago I plucked the first hot peppers of the season from my little tiny garden. More little ones are still growing. These are the biggest and only ripe ones so far.

The ones on the left are cayenne, and the ones on the right are jalapenos. I can't get the little ~ thing to appear over the n.
Time to look up some salsa recipes.

No cat, you don't want to eat these. Trust me.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

PINKS Racing Show On The Speed Cannel &

I recently discovered a new show on, and it's a show on the Speed Channel if you have cable. It's PINKS All Out and it's about drag racing. I'm not a drag racing expert but I like to watch it every now & then. The reason they dared put the work PINK in the title is because it refers to people who drag race and bet their cars. If they lose the race, they lose their car to the winner, and they sign over the title, and I guess the title is supposed to be pink in California. So it's a pink slip that symbolizes losing your car instead of your job. One thing I don't get - if I win the damn race, why would I want the loser's car? My car is better. Maybe just to sell it back to the owner? Hmm. - link to the site. - link to a Wikipedia write-up.

It's a show about drag racing, but it's shown from a more "Reality TV" type of format. They show a lot of stuff that the people who run the race/contest have to deal with, behind the scenes. I just saw it for the first time yesterday and I'm already hooked.