Wednesday, April 7, 2010

They Found Water On The Moon!

Well, I heard they found water on the moon. They, meaning NASA. I thought the moon was a barren piece of rock orbiting around our lovely planet Earth. Why, with water on the moon, it might mean life. So let's get excited. After all, water on the moon means great things.

So here is a picture that represents an advance forward in space exploration.

Apparently the original astronaughts did not drink from this mighty water fountain because their gloves were too big to let them push the button that says "push here" and they could not drink from the mighty fountain of moon youth. Too bad.

Well that means there will be more water there for me when my ship arrives.

Happy belated April Fools' day. I waited until now because I cannot fool anyone until several days after Apr 1st because everyone is too alert for that kind of thing.

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