OK, last post was a wordless day. Today, I'd like you to pick out 10 words that tell the world a little bit about you. I've seen some blogs lately with 10 words, pick your fave words that describe you, blah , blah , blah.
And there are 2 words you are not allowed to use: SEX and SLEEP. Everyone loves those things, so do not use them in deciding what your favorite 10 words are.
So, here are my 10 favorite words:
1) - Coffee
2) - Food
3) - Internet
4) - Computers/electronics - OK so this is 2 words, but they are close
5) - CARS!!!! And trucks and airplanes if you prefer
6) - FRIENDS! - Wow, I should have this one higher up, like 3rd. Oh well.
7) - Sports
8) - Music
9) - Spirits - like beer wine & liquor
10) - Family - OK so this should probably be higher also.
And, if I had an 11th word: PETS!
Blogs can sometimes make you think about things that you would otherwise overlook.
Oh, and follow your dreams!
Cabbage Casserole
11 hours ago
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