Sunday, February 8, 2009

Vehicle Maintenance 101 - Changing The Air Filter

Oh how I love my truck. It's reliable, looks good, doesn't hog too much gas, and it's nice & warm inside the truck in the winter. All I need to do is baby it once in awhile. Yesterday I took it to the do-it-yourself car wash and washed all the nasty salt off it. Today - new air filter.

All you need is a simple flat-head screwdriver - sweet. Only 4 screws to un-do.

Wow, what a dirty piece of crap! That's good though, since this is the job of the filter, to suck up all the dirt. Kind of like the National Inquirer.
The old filter is on the left, the new one on the right.
No need to let your filters get dirty. Learn to change the basic ones and you'll be wiser to the things needed to help the vehicle last longer and run better.
Same goes with your furnace filter, if you have a forced-air furnace like I have. I replaced that filter yesterday. I didn't think to take pictures. A clean air filter on a furnace is a must.

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