Here are some pictures I stumbled upon while doing some recent spring cleaning (even though it's officially summer in like 1 day from now).

This is my Digi-Tech guitar effects unit. It's one of those all-in-one units, with guitar effects like distortion & overdrive, EQ, all kinds of different reverb and echo sounds, and it has 40 prepared sounds in it's memory, and it allows 40 user-defined sounds, all saved in flash memory. It's really a simple computer tailor-made for manipulating audio from guitars. Ok, so when I say "simple computer" it's really a contradiction of terms.
Anyway, the pedals are intended to be operated by your foot, so you can change your sound without having to stop playing guitar, since the guitar takes up both hands to play.
Well, eventually the pedal switches started to become less and less responsive until some of them no longer worked at all. I decided to take it apart and investigate.
I just love staring at electronic stuff. I don't know why. I'd rather just stare at a hot female, but if there's none around, electronics are ok. Or hot cars.

I found that the plasic part that touches the switches was flattening out a bit from wear. I cut out and taped a thin piece of cardbord to fill in the gap.
I put it back together and the switches were then working great, almost like new.
Of course, my cat Lexus just had to investigate my guitar gear. As soon as I go to play something though, she hauls ass to get away from the sound. She does not like guitars or basses that are making music. Or, maybe she just hates my music.